miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018

Jornada de difusió de mobilitats a l'institut

El dimecres 23 de maig en sessió de claustre extraordinari es fa una jornada per contar a tot el claustre les mobilitats realitzades dins del projecte una vegada  acabat el mateix. S'extrauen conclusions i es fa una taula redona on participa i aporten idees tots els companys.

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

eTwinning project "CLIL approaches in European countries: a comparison": Traditional recipies

First of all, our students and the Italian students have developed a padlet with types of food and traditional recipes from each country. Secondly, they have created an on-line magazine with the traditional recipes of each country using the online tool madmagz.
Later, an Escape Room related to this topic will be made by the teachers.

Here's the link to the emagazine:   https://madmagz.com/magazine/1348972

eTwinning project "CLIL approaches in European countries: a comparison": Conversation about Fallas in Spain and Carnival in Italy

On April 12th, a new videoconference was held between our students and the Italian students. First of all, our students explained the traditional festivity called “Fallas” that we celebrate in valencia and finally they showed them a video that they had made themselves with images of the festivity.
The Italian students explained the Carnivals from Crema as well.
Finally, they asked some questions about both traditional festivities.

eTwinning project "CLIL approaches in European countries: a comparison": The students talk about their hobbies.

On March 15th, a new videoconference was held with Crema School (Italy) in which our students interchanged their hobbies (music, sports ...) with the Italian students. At the end of the session our students and the Italian students implemented a “coogle” (mindmap) simultaneously where they wrote the sports they liked, their favorite music and their favourite musical instruments.

eTwinning project "CLIL approaches in European countries: a comparison": The students introduce themselves and the city where they live

Last March a videoconference was held between our 4th ESO students and Crema School students (Italy).
In this first meeting, our students presented themselves one by one and explained the things they like most about the city where they live.
To finish the activity, the students prepared a kahoot for Italian students with questions about their city. Apparently they liked playing this game very much.
A second meeting was held a couple of weeks later. Our students played the kahoot that the Italian students had prepared for them.

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2018

Unitat de Geometria en anglés i metodologia CLIL al 3r d'ESO

Els alumnes de 3r d'ESO han fet la unitat de geometría referent als polígons, teorema de Pitagores i poliedres en anglés amb metodología CLIL. Han fet presentacions per grups, han treballat a l'aula d'informàtica fent la recerca i preparació de les mateixes i han creat i resolt problemes. Ha segut un dels resultats dels job shadowings realitzats dins del projecte Erasmus+.